How to Travel Full-Time as a Resume Writer

3 years, 6 months, and 11 days. That’s how long I’ve been traveling full time. At the ripe old age of 32, I decided to sell all my stuff, buy an RV, and travel the U.S. for an undetermined amount … Continued

Getting Kicked Out due to COVID-19

“Wait…what did Jenny just say!?” Jenny was the new RV park host. This was mid-March, 2020 at 4:30pm. Lezlie and I were enjoying Happy Hour, which takes place most days in the Lizard Lounge- The RV park’s outdoor meeting place lined … Continued

Stuck in a Hotel: An RV Insurance Claim Story

posted in: General, RV Survival, RV Travel | 11

“Vehicle insurance isn’t like health insurance…” says the agent on the other end of the line.
“…you can’t stack multiple claims under one deductible.”

Shit…that was exactly the plan.

RV Survival Guide: How We Use AC Electric, a Power Generator, a Deep Cycle Battery & RV Solar Panels to Power Our Travel Trailer

posted in: General, RV Survival | 0

  We travel full time, and live and operate an online business from our RV travel trailer, so we’re always searching for power. In this guide, we demonstrate how we get electricity from (1) AC electric sources, like outlets found … Continued